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Hair Transplantation

Nowadays, one of the most common cosmetic problems is hair loss.

Nowadays, one of the most common cosmetic problems is hair loss. Although it is considered to be specific to men, it is also a problem that women face from time to time. It is normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day. If there is hair loss in the figures over these, an expert should be consulted. Hair loss can be reduced or prevented by various hair treatments such as laser, PRP, hair transplantation surgery is performed as a permanent solution for people who have experienced intense hair loss.

Hair transplantation is a natural and permanent solution to the thinning and baldness problem that occurs as a result of hair loss. Hair transplant surgery is carried out from the patient's nuchal region to collect the hair bulbs that are genetically resistant to hair loss and transplanted to the channels that are opened in the areas where baldness or thinning occurs. Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure performed under local anesthesia. Therefore, it should be done in hospital environment and accompanied by anesthesiologist.