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Rhinoplasty Operation

Human beings have been in pursuit of beauty, since the day they have been created.

Human beings have been in pursuit of beauty, since the day they have been created. Throughout the ages, people have been striving to have beauty, and with the dazzling progress of plastic surgery in the last century, people have now sought to unleash their potential beauties. The reason behind the fact that the most common aesthetic operation in the world is the rhinoplasty operation is that the nose is the main determinant of facial beauty. There is no other aesthetic surgery that can change human face as much as the rhinoplasty.

Since beauty is considered as a whole in aesthetic surgery, the goal in rhinoplasty should be obtaining a beautiful nose, that is befitting for facial features. One nose, which may look beautiful on a face, may not suit another face. These details should be discussed between the doctor and the patient at the planning stage of the operation and rather than a beautiful nose, it should be aimed to obtain a nasal structure that is befitting for the face.