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Tummy Tuck Operation

Rapid weight loss in a short period in cases such as pregnancy, repetitive weight gain-loss, after obesity surgery,

Rapid weight loss in a short period in cases such as pregnancy, repetitive weight gain-loss, after obesity surgery, causes deformities in various anatomical regions of the body together with the abdomen.

Especially after multiple pregnancies and excessive weight loss, the skin in the abdomen sags and there is laxation in the anterior abdominal wall muscles. In these people, the sagged abdomen cannot be recovered only by removing fat, because both the excess of the skin and the relaxation of the abdominal muscles do not improve with the removal of fat. Moreover, fat removal from a sagged abdomen with liposuction will decrease the volume in the inside of the skin and cause further sagging. Abdominoplasty can be a solution to all these deformities.